The Number 1 Food Law

It's almost inevitable.

I gave in to this ‘law’ again just the other day.

It’s also known as ‘Berardi’s First Law.’

  1. You Can’t Outwill ‘Berardi’s First Law’ 👨🏼‍⚖️

  2. Explain It To Me It Like I’m 5 🧒

  3. It’s Practically Inevitable ⚠️

  4. You Can Use It To Your Advantage ⬆️

  5. Parting Zen 🧘‍♂️

You Can’t Outwill ‘Berardi’s First Law’ 👨🏼‍⚖️

I was on a one-hour drive home the other day.

I wasn’t hungry at all; I had eaten plenty; in fact, I was full.

But, I had a Macrobar in the chest pocket of my coat.

I could feel it against the seat belt.

I could hear the foil wrapper crinkling when I moved.

I figured my willpower could hold out for an hour.

I wanted to test myself and see if I could make it home without eating it.

Then, my brain started to work against me.

“Just eat it.”

“You know you want it.”

“You worked out today.”

This went on until finally, with just thirteen minutes to go, I ate the bar.

It was practically a foregone conclusion.

Who can resist 45 minutes of a psychological battle of temptation when eating is so easy and enjoyable?

Explain It To Me Like I’m 5 👦

Today’s topic, as simply as possible:

“If there’s food available, you’re going to eat it.”

It’s Practically Inevitable ⚠️

Here’s the entire law:

Now, let’s talk about what to do about it.

You Can Use It To Your Advantage 🧠

Here is the empowering part:

If food is available, you will eat it, and you can choose which foods are available.

This is why ‘Planning & Preparing’ is the number one skill most people need to improve to progress with their nutritional goals.

  • You can do a kitchen or pantry makeover.

  • You can batch cook 1-2 times per week.

  • You can make sure you shop correctly.

  • You can use a meal delivery service.

  • You can pack food before you leave home.

Those are just five examples of an almost infinite amount.

You can do this by planning and preparing to make food available.

Not by hoping your willpower will hold out.

It won’t.

If you’d like some help working through this or anything else on a personal level, hit reply or click here to book a chat with me.

Parting Zen 🧘‍♂️

A simple word, phrase, or thought to take with you:

Willpower is finite. Hope is not a strategy.

A solid plan will increase both greatly.

Be well,

Coach Matt

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