80% Of Weight Loss Struggles Are The Result Of This.

(Hint: it's not food.)

I’ve had thousands of conversations with real people about their struggles with diet and weight loss.

In reflecting on these, I realized:

Only about 20% of the time, learning about the science behind nutrition is needed to help people progress.

So what’s the other 80%?

  1. The Big Picture 🏞️

  2. Explain It To Me It Like I’m 5 🧒

  3. The Pyramid Of Body Change 🪜

  4. What To Do About This🚶‍♂️‍➡️

  5. Parting Zen 🧘‍♂️

The Big Picture 🏞️

You already know which foods are healthy, for the most part.

If you’re confused about whether or not you should eat lectins, fast for 5 hours or 6, or go carnivore or vegan, we can discuss that.

However, in those examples, it’s the misleading sources of information that are the problem.

Indeed, certain vegetables do not agree with some people.

But hopefully, even if that’s you, deep down you know that at least some vegetables are healthy for most people.

The 80% of conversations that help most of my clients move forward revolve around behavior.

For example:

  • Change: resistance to and fear of.

  • Emotions: why we eat or do not eat certain things.

  • Purpose: why we want to achieve our goals.

  • Schedule: personal and professional constraints.

  • Relationships: family, friends, and coworkers we eat with.

In other words, how food fits into your life matters.

A lot.

Explain It To Me Like I’m 5 👦

Today’s topic, as simply as possible:

“We eat food at meals, with people we love.”

The Pyramid Of Body Change 🪜

This pyramid helps illustrate the point:

Credit: Precision Nutrition

If you begin on the top without the bottom fundamentals in place, then changes are not likely to stick.

What To Do About This🚶‍♂️‍➡️

Making dietary changes that stick is hard.

That’s why I write this newsletter and have this job.

Generally, I recommend identifying small steps to make the change easier

… and thus more likely to last.

In no particular order, here are a few of my clients’ most common first steps:

  • Begin a minimal daily movement practice.

  • Focus on adequately hydrating.

  • Ensure adequate protein every day.

  • Do a 3-day food journal so we can assess intake.

Finally, today, I have a new first-step option for you:

If you want personalized guidance, you can now join either one of my completely free nutrition coaching groups:

I will be moderating both groups to ensure they are private, confidential, supportive, and free of judgment.

Parting Zen 🧘‍♂️

A simple word, phrase, or thought to take with you:

Food isn’t blocking you from making changes; you are.

Be well,

Coach Matt

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