Food Isn't Your Problem.

Most likely, it's something else.

Most likely, food is not your problem.

You already know which foods, generally, are healthy.

You’re just not eating them often enough.


  1. The Big Picture 🖼️

  2. Explain It To Me Like I’m 5 👦

  3. My 4-Step Change Process 📈

  4. Let’s Get Specific ❄️

  5. Parting Zen 🧘‍♂️

The Big Picture 🖼️

Granted, there is much disagreement and confusion out there surrounding food.

Yet it’s safe to say that you know that whole food sources of protein, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, fats, and grains in some combination or another is preferable to the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.).

So, the food is not the problem.

Your problem is this:

You can’t seem to be able to move from ‘Point A’ (wherever you are now on that food spectrum) to ‘Point B' (the point that will start moving the needle for your health.)

You have a change problem.

There are many reasons why change is complex, challenging, and scary.

I have the answer to this problem and will share it with you below.

Explain It To Me Like I’m 5 👦

Today’s topic, as simply as possible:

“Making changes alone is hard. A good coach makes your change easier.”

My 4-Step Change Process 📈

This is my fundamental process for change:

The Level One Nutrition Change Process by @coachmattfried

In my programs, we repeat this every week to achieve this:

The Level One Nutrition Process In Action by @coachmattfried

Let’s Get Specific ❄️

Yes, you are a snowflake 🙂 .

Your Journey is yours and yours alone.

Even though your given action step for any particular week may seem the same as one that another person might take, it is never exactly the same.

Both Jane and John may need to drink more water and have similar lives, but at some point, what works for Jane won’t for John.

The key to success is to put it all together:

Your Story + My Experience = Results-Based Actions.

I am so confident in this process that I am guaranteeing it will work.

If you or someone you know needs to transform their health, now is the time to enroll.

You can enjoy your holidays and lock in rates before they go up.

»»» Would you like to lose 15 or more pounds of body fat over the next 6 months, with results 100% guaranteed, or your money back? If you said ‘yes,’ click here for a free consult with me and get on the list. «««

Parting Zen 🧘‍♂️

A simple word, phrase, or thought to take with you:

Today is the best time to plant a tree, if you haven’t done so already.

Thanks for reading!

Take care,

Coach Matt

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