'I Was Told To Eat 6X/Day ...'

(Or, insert the advice of your choice.)

“___ told me I had to eat six times daily to lose weight,” she said, emphasizing the ‘had.’

If you’ve ever been told that you had to follow a specific dietary strategy ‘because ___ said so,’ this post is for you.

Sadly, I fear that versions of this happen all the time.

Let’s begin with this:

No one diet works for everyone.

Then we will explore:

  1. The Big Picture 🖼️

  2. Explain It To Me Like I’m 5 👦

  3. 7 Ways To Assess 🧪

  4. 5 Of My Favorite Tools 🧰

  5. Parting Zen 🧘‍♂️

The Big Picture 🖼️

It is not true that you need to eat any specific number of times daily to lose weight.

To lose weight, you need to be in a caloric deficit, plain and simple.

This is called ‘The Energy Balance Equation (EBE)’; as far as we know, it’s a well-established, sound principle.

In the absence of some outlying factor (like a medical condition), the average person will gain weight as they overeat over time, and vice versa.

You can use many possible tools to manipulate the EBE in your favor.

The fact that a specific tool worked for a friend, colleague, spouse, large group of people, person in a white coat, author of a best-seller, figure with a vast social media following, or me does not mean the same tool will work for you.

Explain It To Me Like I’m 5 👦

Today’s topic, as simply as possible:

“There are many different tools to lose weight. The combination that keeps you happiest is the best.”

7 Ways To Assess 🧪

How will you know if a specific tool(s) is right for you?

You don’t need a laboratory to figure that out.

5 Of My Favorite Tools 🧰

Here are 5 examples. In my coaching program, we address these in order of importance and ability of the client.

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Adding In / Crowding Out

The addition of whole foods is often far more effective and powerful than the removal of others.

Measure Food Intake

If you have no idea how many calories you’re eating, you might be surprised.

Ensure Adequate Nutrients

Setting proper protein intake, along with fiber, carbohydrates, and fat, sets you up for success.

Establish Regular Meal Times

Evidence shows that this leads to long-term adherence.

Raise Hunger/Satiety Awareness

This can move the needle for people who overeat or undereat.

Parting Zen 🧘‍♂️

A simple word, phrase, or thought to take with you:

Use the tools that work for you. Discard the rest.

Thanks for reading!

Take care,

Coach Matt

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