Let's talk about pizza.🍕

Have a slice, or two.

I used to eat pizza ALL the time, and I got fat.

I’m talking about entire pies in one sitting, sometimes more.

If you eat pizza all the time, you’ll gain fat too.

Sure, there could be a few genetic outliers to this claim, but let’s call a slice a slice:

That’s not you or me.

If we eat pizza all the time, we will get fat.

This doesn’t mean we should never eat it.

It’s quite the opposite.

We should!

Let’s cut this pie into 5 slices:

  1. The Big Picture 🖼️

  2. Explain It To Me Like I’m 5 👦

  3. Pizza Is On The Menu 🍕

  4. How Much Is Right For You? ⚖️

  5. Parting Zen 🧘‍♂️

The Big Picture 🖼️

Research supports the idea that pizza should be included in a healthy diet.

It’s not because randomized controlled trials specifically studied the effects of pizza.

It’s because the evidence is clear that long-term adherence is highest when you permit yourself to eat a modest amount of ‘comfort foods.’

10-20% of your diet, to be precise.

Pizza is a hugely popular comfort food here in the United States. It’s just one example. A few weeks ago, I talked about bread.

Below, we’ll dive into how much and how often.

First, I’d like to add that if you are in a place similar to where I once was, eating pizza all the time because it’s habitual, delicious, and easy, then you might also be experiencing some of these compounding effects:

  • Your body fat % is high, probably in the obese range.

  • Your activity level is low.

  • You tend to eat other highly refined & processed foods often.

  • You’re not home-cooking often or eating a well-rounded diet.

  • You might even feel like cr*p or worse.

It’s OK, I’ve been there too.

The next step forward is usually NOT to ‘eat less pizza.’

(Keep reading to find out more.)

Explain It To Me Like I’m 5 👦

Today’s topic, as simply as possible:

“Yes, you can have pizza once in a while.”

Pizza Is On The Menu 🍕

I’ve talked about ‘deep health’ before …

… deep health is only achieved by addressing all types of health.

How Much Is Right For You? ⚖️

Ultimately, it’s the amount that keeps you physically and emotionally balanced.

For me, that means I have pizza once a week.

If I cook it twice a week or more, I gain weight.

If I go too many weeks without it, I miss it.

However, it depends on where you’re starting.

I am lean, highly active, and cook 95% of my food.

If you’re in a similar position to the one I described above, cutting down to once a week is probably not the right move to start.

You’d probably want it too much.

It would be a lot of change to make so early.

Instead, I would try one of these or something similar:

  • Add in a few new meals this week

  • Add in 1 new food, like a vegetable, alongside each slice

  • Set a realistic schedule for when you’ll have pizza (ie, twice a week)

Progress from there after a few weeks or a set amount of time.

Parting Zen 🧘‍♂️

A simple word, phrase, or thought to take with you:

If you can’t eat pizza, you will.

Thanks for reading!

Take care,

Coach Matt

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