How To Get Younger Every Year

It is possible. I have proof.

It’s my birthday tomorrow, but I got my present early.

I’ll tell you what it is below.

In addition, every year on my birthday since I was 37 years old, I have repeated the same workout as a benchmark to measure my fitness.

Year after year, I continue to improve despite aging.

You can, too.

Here’s how:

  1. The Big Picture 🖼️

  2. Explain It To Me Like I’m 5 👦

  3. By Any Measure 📏 

  4. The Drive 🏎

  5. Parting Zen 🧘‍♂️

The Big Picture 🖼️

When I was 37, I was already pretty far along in my fitness.

It was over ten years since I’d lost 60 pounds.

I was getting ready to become a Coach.

I was already recording my workouts, but I had this idea to create a ‘Special Birthday Workout’ because I knew I was heading to another level and wanted to measure it.

For most of you reading this, this will happen after you commit to ongoing daily mental and physical development.

At 37, I already knew I would be where I would be tomorrow at 44.

So the honest answer to “How do I get younger every year?” is:

First, decide to do it no matter what gets in your way.

Everything else is relatively inconsequential because nothing will get in your way.

Over the years, I have consistently gone into my garage gym to train, whether sick, mildly injured, freezing cold, or stifling hot.

(There’s no heat or air in my garage, so it gets pretty extreme.)

Some of you may be thinking, “Matt, that’s it? Just decide?”

Yes, it is that simple, but simple does not mean easy.

I’ll dig a bit deeper into this down below.

Explain It To Me Like I’m 5 👦

Today’s topic, as simply as possible:

“If you don’t let anything stop you, nothing will.”

By Any Measure 📏 

Here’s my proof …

… but that specific workout may not apply to you.

What workout should you do annually to measure your progress?

The one you like to do best.

That could be:

  • Run/jog/walk a mile/marathon/etc.

  • Swim a certain distance for time.

  • Traditional powerlifting.

  • Your favorite CrossFit WOD.

  • Anything that you love.

Ideally, it’s something that you’ll enjoy practicing often during the year.

The Drive 🏎

You have it inside of you.

It’s a matter of getting started and taking small actions.

The drive to become physically unstoppable was always inside of me.

I let it fade in my teens and twenties.

I almost let it burn out completely.

If you are not dead, it’s still there, I promise.

I told you that when I was 37 I was already full of determination and motivation.

But when I was 17 or 27 that was not the case.

It took time.

It took help.

It took many small actions and setbacks.

So, if you are in the beginning of your journey, you may not yet have the confidence and resolve to make such a firm declaration as I stated above.

That’s OK.

All you need today is the resolve to do the smallest thing possible for yourself.

That might be simply going outside for a 20-minute walk.

Getting started is critical because action precedes motivation.

Motivation is the result of repeated actions.

If you’ve struggled with motivation, click here to book a free call and tell me about it.

Parting Zen 🧘‍♂️

A simple word, phrase, or thought to take with you:

No great thing is built suddenly.

So, what was my present?

It was every single workout, push-up, mobility session, soccer game, and sports coaching session I did over the 364 days leading up to my birthday workout.

The work IS the reward.

Take care,

Coach Matt

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