The Fastest Nutrition Email, Ever.

(For people on-the-go!)

This is the 45th weekly edition of my newsletter …

… and I cannot believe I haven’t dedicated one to this topic yet!

Today, we will talk about ‘Eating On-The-Go’:

  1. The Big Picture 🖼

  2. Explain It To Me It Like I’m 5 🧒

  3. Pack It Up! 📦

  4. Examples & Ideas💡

  5. Parting Zen 🧘‍♂️

The Big Picture 🖼

I relate to being busy.

I have a wife, two kids, two jobs, and I coach youth soccer three days a week.

How do I manage to keep my nutrition & fitness so dialed in?

1) Plan & Prepare.

2) Better, Not Perfect.

That’s it.

Those are the only two things you need.

(Keep reading for examples.)

Explain It To Me Like I’m 5 👦

Today’s topic, as simply as possible:

“When you’re in a hurry, make the best choice you can.”

Pack It Up! 📦

Here’s a cool graphic with ideas for snacks to pack up:

Credit: @PrecisionNutrition

Examples & Ideas💡

Here’s why these are the only two things you need:

(1) Plan & Prepare

80% or more of eating well on the go comes down to planning:


Make your list (15 minutes) & shop (45 minutes) once a week.

Include some ‘grab & go’ options along with your whole foods.


Batch cook as much as you can, at least once per week.

Have at least one cooked meal available in the fridge at all times.


I take this with me every time I leave the house: one portion of nuts, one can of sardines, one stick of jerky, one protein bar, and one whole fruit.

If I will be out for more than half a day, I will bring one whole meal in addition to those snacks, such as prepared tuna salad or leftovers.


If I head to a place where I do not love the options, I eat a full meal before.

You don’t make great choices when you’re very hungry.

(2) Better, Not Perfect.

You’re well prepared if you’ve done a version of all of the above.

Still, there will come a time when you forget to pack food or simply want to eat out.

That’s good. I eat out, too! You don’t have to live on snacks and leftovers.

Wherever you are, make the best choice you can.

Even if that’s a highway gas station in the middle of nowhere or a fast food restaurant.

Parting Zen 🧘‍♂️

A simple word, phrase, or thought to take with you:

(1) Make the best choice you can.

(2) Move forward.

(3) Go back to step one.

Be well,

Coach Matt

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Book notes newsletter.
PPS: My common-sense disclaimer …

The advice I offer is not medical advice. If you have any medical issues, please consult your doctor first. The advice I offer should be personalized to your needs. I can help you make those personalizations or refer you out. Reply to this email if you need help.

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