36 Ways To Deal With Cravings.

Cravings, Part 2: 6️⃣ Strategies + 3️⃣0️⃣ Possible Actions

Last week we talked about the many possible origins of cravings.

Since cravings aren’t going anywhere, this week we’ll break down some strategies for dealing with them as follows:

  1. The Other Side Of The Coin 🪙

  2. Explain It To Me Like I’m 5 👦

  3. 6️⃣ Strategies Infographic

  4. 3️⃣0️⃣ Possible Actions

  5. Parting Zen 🧘‍♂️

Let’s begin.

The Other Side Of The Coin 🪙

Last week we discussed how there are many powerful causes of cravings, and how some of those forces are beyond your control.

There is also a practically infinite set of actions you can take to combat these forces, and these are 100% within your control.

This does not mean you will never struggle or get frustrated.

It simply means that there is always an opportunity for growth, even after eating episodes that lead to weight gain or feel demoralizing.

No long story this week.

We’ll just dive deep into Strategies & Actions below.

Explain It To Me Like I’m 5 👦

Today’s topic, as simply as possible:

“Control the controllables.”

6️⃣ Strategies Infographic

Here are few ‘controllables’:

‘Control the controllables’ means that you should always direct your focus towards what you can control … and never ruminate about what you cannot.

3️⃣0️⃣ Possible Actions

This week I’m skipping the ‘Skills’ and ‘Core Practice’ portions to jump straight into 30 Possible Actions you can take to deal with Cravings.

Possible Actions:

  1. Plan balanced meals and snacks to maintain stable blood sugar levels.

  2. Plan enjoyable activities to reward yourself instead of using food.

  3. Stay hydrated with water to reduce false hunger signals.

  4. Get enough sleep to support hormone regulation and curb cravings.

  5. Engage in stress-reducing activities like meditation or yoga to prevent emotional eating.

  6. Avoid trigger foods or situations that can lead to cravings.

  7. Fill up on fiber-rich foods to promote a feeling of fullness.

  8. Keep healthy snacks readily available to avoid reaching for unhealthy options.

  9. Limit alcohol consumption, as it can trigger cravings and weaken willpower.

  10. Distract yourself with hobbies or activities to take your mind off cravings.

  11. Limit exposure to food advertisements to reduce cravings triggered by visuals.

  12. Monitor portion sizes to prevent overeating.

  13. Chew sugar-free gum to reduce the desire for sugary foods.

  14. Brush your teeth after meals to discourage further eating.

  15. Sip on herbal teas to curb appetite and provide hydration.

  16. Practice mindful eating to savor the flavors and reduce cravings.

  17. Eat a balanced meal before attending events to resist temptation.

  18. Use smaller plates to control portion sizes.

  19. Practice noting common triggers (HALT: Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired).

  20. Take a short walk or engage in light exercise to distract from cravings.

  21. Prioritize protein-rich foods to keep you feeling full.

  22. Avoid skipping meals to prevent excessive hunger and cravings.

  23. Keep a food journal to track triggers and identify patterns.

  24. Practice deep breathing techniques to manage stress-related cravings.

  25. Consume probiotic-rich foods to support gut health and reduce cravings.

  26. Establish a consistent eating schedule to regulate appetite.

  27. Seek social support to stay motivated and accountable.

  28. Find healthier ways to cope with emotions, like talking to a friend or journaling.

  29. After a negative eating episode, do a ‘Behavior Awareness Worksheet’.

  30. Get back on track if you give in to cravings – don't let one slip derail your progress.

If you need help choosing, refining, or executing any of these, email me.

I will send you tips &/or materials to assist.

These are examples of possible actions. It’s important to choose wisely, measure, assess, and adjust regularly. In my nutrition coaching group, I help you identify which Action you should take every week, keeping the big picture of your life, skills, and abilities in mind. If you’d like to schedule a free 45-minute coaching call to learn more, click here. If the group is not a fit for you, that’s OK.

Parting Zen 🧘‍♂️

A simple word, phrase, or thought to take with you:

Remember that there is no failure; only feedback.

If you have a craving, it’s telling you something. If a behavior you took upsets you, let that pain become your teacher.

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Coach Matt

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