How To Cross The River Of Change.

The water seems scary, at first. 🛶

Last week I told you that you have a change problem.

I do, too; we all fear change.

Change can seem like a cold and dangerous river.

Crossing from one side to the other isn’t easy.

Today, I’ll dive into specific nutritional examples:

  1. The Big Picture 🖼️

  2. Explain It To Me Like I’m 5 👦

  3. Turning The Dial ☸️

  4. Swim 🏊‍♂️, Boat 🛥, or Bridge 🌉?

  5. Parting Zen 🧘‍♂️

The Big Picture 🖼️

If you’ve been going to the same deli every day for years, ordering the same thing from people you know, walking in tomorrow morning with a new order might scare you.

If you’re used to eating pizza four times a week because it’s convenient, you like the taste, and it was the favorite food you used to eat with your father as a child, those are powerful forces to battle.

If you are ready to improve your health, but your family isn’t, that is a considerable source of tension that might block you from taking action.

To me, each situation may call for a different approach.

I know many people are in fitness and health touting one approach.

“Do it this way!”

“Just get over it and do it!”

Sometimes, taking one ‘black and white’ approach is excellent.

Sometimes it’s not.

Explain It To Me Like I’m 5 👦

Today’s topic, as simply as possible:

“Some people need different ways to solve similar problems.”

Turning The Dial ☸️

Last week, I gave you an overview of my process for change.

Every action step I agree on with clients is designed to challenge them appropriately and support their goals.

You don’t (and probably shouldn’t) try to ‘turn the dial’ from 0 to 10 on day 1.

Here’s an illustration from Precision Nutrition as it pertains to exercise:

If you’re starting from a 4, 5 is probably the best next step!

Swim 🏊‍♂️, Boat 🛥, or Bridge 🌉?

As usual, it depends.

Let’s dive deeper into our 3 ‘hypothetical’ examples from above:

  1. Ordering something new for the first time.

This one is the most straightforward; you either place the order or you don’t.

Still, a conversation might help prepare your mindset in advance.

What if the guy behind the counter makes a joke? What if they ask a question about my diet?

These concerns can be answered before you walk into the store.

  1. Reducing the intake of a food that you love.

Some people are ready to ‘go cold turkey,’ but most are not.

You might start by:

  • Adding one vegetable to each slice of pizza. (No initial reduction.)

  • Setting a weekly ‘slice budget.’ (Partial reduction.)

  • ‘Upgrading’ to a higher quality pizza. (For nutrient density.)

  • Journaling or noting emotional or hunger cues. (Awareness exercises.)

  • Meal prepping other options. (Planning skills.)

The list is infinite …

  1. Embarking on a health journey without your family.

This one could potentially feel very lonely.

Sometimes, people around you - yes, people who love you - feel threatened by your positive change and will even lash out in hurtful ways or try to sabotage you.

Hopefully, this is not the case for you, but I’ve seen it before.

This is more of a ‘bridge-building’ scenario where you can make a reasonable effort to build a bridge and invite people to come with you … to a point.

Eventually, you must take care of yourself without allowing others to hold you back.

You don’t have to close any doors, but you don’t have to wait forever, either.

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Parting Zen 🧘‍♂️

A simple word, phrase, or thought to take with you:

The first time you cross the river is always the hardest.

Thanks for reading!

Take care,

Coach Matt

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